Co-Founder, CEO, Instructor

Tamara Thebert is the CEO, Co-Founder, and an Instructor at Inner Science Institute.

Tamara holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Women’s Studies with a concentration in Art and Psychology from Knox College, a Master’s Degree in Integral Counseling Psychology from California Institute of Integral Studies, and a Certification in Hypnotherapy (Spiritual Counseling emphasis) from Foundation of the Sacred Stream.

She has training and certificates in integral counseling psychology, neurobiologically-informed trauma treatment, mindful self-compassion, meditation, spiritual counseling, energy medicine, women’s spirituality, grief and bereavement, shamanic counseling, ecopsychology, and permaculture. Since 2004, she has studied and trained in spiritual and psychological traditions from all over the globe and teaches spiritual principles and practices specifically tailored to improve mental and emotional health.

In her private practice Tamara specializes in helping women recognize & amplify inner resources to recover from trauma, addiction, anxiety, and depression while attending to the important relationships in their lives. To find out more about her psychotherapy practice, go to www.psychospiritualcounseling.net.

Co-Founder, Instructor

Deborah Yarock is a Co-Founder, Instructor, and Clinical Consultant at Inner Science Institute.

She holds a Masters Degree in Integral Counseling Psychology from California Institute of Integral Studies and has served as a counselor, therapist, supervisor, and instructor in a variety of community-based, educational, and private practice settings in the San Francisco Bay Area.

She has degrees and training in integral counseling psychology, psychological process work, re-evaluation counseling, and extensive experience in all phases of addiction treatment. As an adjunct professor, she has taught graduate and undergraduate psychology courses throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. Since 1995, while teaching and mentoring pre-professionals in the field of community mental health, Deborah expanded services by developing and running practicum sites. She has also created avenues to advance cultural competency, address stress and vicarious trauma, and encourage comprehensive grief support.

Throughout her career, Deborah has respected and addressed the practical realities of life alongside deeper identity and soul-searching aspects of therapeutic work. To find out more about her psychotherapy practice, go to www.deborahyarockmft.com.